
Welcome to the Create hub for all things candle making. This is your platform to meet industry artisans, explore cutting-edge supplies, and learn innovative techniques.  Be sure to check out The Candle Corner,” our blog that features lovely ideas and tackles everything from the wax to the wick, and everything in between with our passion for the craft.  

Welcome to our Creative Space

Check out these pages for a burst of fresh ideas and inspiration.

Fresh Candle Concepts

This page shines a spotlight on our latest and most innovative ideas. We hope that this resource inspires you, introducing you to new techniques and candle supplies available at

A Guide to Wicking

Unsure about which wick is right for your candle? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our Guide to Wicking is a great starting point.

Candle Making Guide

Here you’ll find our comprehensive guide to candle making, from selecting the right materials to detailed step-by-step instructions, along with key safety precautions to bear in mind on your candle making journey.

The Candle Corner

Our blog offers a treasure trove of ideas we love, hot industry topics, useful tips, and insightful product reviews. We hope that every candle maker, from the novice to the seasoned pro, will find something of value in our blog.

Spotlight on Candle Makers

We’re excited to showcase your creations. If you’re a candle maker and a customer, we invite you to get in touch. We’ll proudly display your work on our website, with links to your own site to help increase your ratings, boost your sales, and enhance your visibility. Contact us today if you’d like to be featured and learn how.