Candle Making Guide

Our candle making guide intended to assist you in the art of candle making. By following these steps, you will learn how to craft your own beautiful candles, while immersing yourself in a journey that combines creativity and craftsmanship. 

Candle Making Guide: From Wax to Wonder

Embarking on the path of candle creation begins with a spark of inspiration. Ask yourself, who is the recipient of this handmade gift of light and ambiance? Is it a cherished friend, a family member, or perhaps, the most deserving person – you? What does this person appreciate? Is there a certain aesthetic, a favorite scent, a memory you could encapsulate within the wax of the candle? Or perhaps you’re crafting for a special occasion—a birthday, a wedding, or the festive season of Christmas. If the myriad of possibilities leaves you indecisive, fear not. Start with a touch of minimalism. A candle’s true beauty lies in its simplicity, and you can always choose to adorn it later.

Candles, my dear reader, are not mere objects, but ambassadors of ambiance, envoys of emotion. A single candle can transform a space, lending it warmth and a sense of serenity. So, are you ready to create your own beacon of tranquility? To set out on this journey, you’ll need some basic supplies: wax, a vessel to hold your candle, a lid to keep it safe, a wick to guide the flame, and the colours or fragrances that speak to your soul.

Join us at, your trusted destination for top-notch candle making supplies, as we guide you on this enlightening journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a budding candle enthusiast, we’re here to illuminate your path to creating artisanal, eco-friendly candles that radiate love and warmth.

Are you ready to set your world alight? Dive into our comprehensive Candle Making Guide and let your creativity shine. Remember, every candle you make is a reflection of your personal story, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that glows with the warmth of your spirit. So, let’s light up the world, one candle at a time.

Explore Your Medium

Soy Wax – The Earth’s Offering

Pros: Born from the essence of soybeans, this natural wax is celebrated for its eco-friendly profile and renewability. It’s a slow-burning choice, meant for those long, languorous nights.

The Cons: While soy wax holds its own charm, it’s not the champion in the realm of scent throw, particularly when matched with the likes of coco apricot creme. Soy wax can sometimes cast an uneven frosting or create sinkholes atop your candle. But don’t be discouraged; exploring the spectrum of pour temperatures can help you tame this natural element.

Apricot Coco Creme Wax – The Luxe Luminary

Pros: The apricot coco creme wax, with its clean burn and vegan-friendly blend, is a true artisan’s dream. It’s a harmonious marriage of natural wax and a smidgen of highly refined food-grade paraffin. The result? Stunning glass adhesion, a remarkable scent throw, and a glossy finish that exudes elegance. Heed the manufacturer’s recommended temperature range, and you’ll witness the perfect candle tops every single time.

Cons: Luxury comes with its price, and this sought-after wax is no exception. It boasts a steeper price tag compared to its soy and paraffin counterparts, but it’s a worthy investment for those seeking to craft the crème de la crème of candles.

Embark on your candle crafting journey with Candlehaven’s curated selection of candle waxes.

Choosing Your Vessel

Turn your attention to the vessel – your candle’s sanctuary, I dare say, it’s candle haven. This container or jar must possess the fortitude to endure the passionate heat of a lit flame. After all, it’s the stage on which your candle will perform its radiant dance.

Think about investing in a lid too. Why, you ask? Well, a lid does more than simply crown your creation. It’s a guardian, preserving the captivating scent of your candle, ensuring it remains as enticing as the day you breathed life into it. It’s a protector, shielding your candle from the invasive touch of dust and debris.

And if your candle is destined to be a heartfelt gift or a prized item for sale, a lid adds that touch of elegance, presenting your handiwork in its most beautiful light.

Explore Candlehaven’s exquisite selection of vessels and lids. 

Choosing Your Wick: The Heartbeat of Your Candle

With your vessel chosen – it’s time to decide on the heart of your candle: the wick. Will it be a solo artist, a single wick setting the stage ablaze, or a multi-wick ensemble, each playing their part in the candlelight symphony? For guidance on choosing the perfect wick size, consult our handy Guide to Wicking.

If this is your first venture into the enchanting world of candle making, we suggest starting with a single wick. But, if you’re ready to dive into the deep end, go for it! Explore the uncharted. Remember, in the art of candle making, there are no mistakes – only lessons waiting to be discovered.

Ready to find the perfect heartbeat for your candle? Shop for Wicks.

Once your wick is decided upon, consider purchasing wick stickers. These handy little stickers help secure the wick to the base of your vessel. A cost-saving alternative could be using a glue gun, but bear in mind, it can be a slightly longer and messier endeavor.

For maintaining that perfect, centered position of your wick while your candle gracefully cools, consider a wick centering device.

Ready to add to your arsenal of candle making tools and accessories? Shop for Candle Making Tools & Accessories.

Choosing Color & Scent: The Symphony of Sensation

Adding color and scent to your candle is an optional step, yet for some, it’s the crowning moment in the creative process. It’s akin to an artist adding that final stroke to a masterpiece.

Before you begin, do consult the maximum fragrance load for your chosen wax. It’s important not to exceed this limit; as with many things in life, too much of a good thing could spoil your candle. The same caution applies to dyes – moderation is key.

Create a safe workspace by setting aside your oils and dyes, ensuring they’re away from your melting wax. If you decide to incorporate color into your creation, remember to add gradually, watching as the additionl of wax dye transforms your wax.

Ready to add that touch of vibrancy to your candle? Shop for Wax Dye.

Want to infuse your creation with an intoxicating aroma? Shop for Scents.

The Wax Paper Shield

In the pursuit of creation, inevitable mishaps are bound to occur. We recommend laying down some wax paper to protect your workspace. Consider it your shield against the occasional oopsies that accompany the candle-making process. If you do spill wax on an uncovered surface, fear not. With a bit of hot water, a dab of soap, and a dash of elbow grease, you’ll have it clean in no time.

Preparation of Your Vessel(s): Your Candle Haven

Before you commence your creation, clean your chosen vessel thoroughly and ensure it is completely dry. Once pristine, it’s time to position your wick. Affix it to the bottom of your vessel, securing its place with a wick centering device. Consider this the laying of your candle’s foundation, ready to be built upon with layers of wax and fragrance.

Sizing Your Wax

Crafting the perfect candle starts with the wax – but first, it must be cut to size. Smaller pieces not only ensure an even melt but also allow for precise weighing. As you embark on this journey of discovery and learning, it’s wise to melt a tad more wax than you think you’ll need. If it turns out you’ve melted more than necessary, don’t fret! The surplus can always be used to fill an additional candle vessel. This way, nothing is wasted, and every bit of wax contributes to your candle-making endeavours.

Embrace the Essentials: The Double Boiler”

Never place your candle wax directly on a heat source – it’s a recipe for potential disaster, risking both fire and evaporation. Instead, apply high heat to boil water in a double boiler, allowing the wax to melt gradually and uniformly. If a double boiler isn’t within reach, improvise with a makeshift version or opt for a dedicated wax melter.

Thermometers and Manufacturer Instructions

Whether you’re repurposing a candy thermometer or investing in a dedicated candle-making version, accurate temperature measurement is vital. And here’s a golden rule – always heed the manufaturer’s instructions. They’ve taken the time to test their products thoroughly and will provide you with essential information on melt points and optimal pouring temperatures. Stick to the script – adding dye, color, and pouring your wax should all be done according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Going rogue here isn’t advised.

Manufacturer Instructions for Using 464 Soy Wax

Manufacturer Instructions for Using Coco Apricot Creme Wax

Manufacturer Instructions for Using Lush Coco Soy Wax

Step Back from the Heat

Once your wax has melted completely, it’s time to remove it from the heat source.

Add Color

Don’t be tempted by food coloring – it’s not suitable for this task. Instead, choose dyes or wax chips specifically designed for candle making. Mix thoroughly, taking care to avoid creating any air bubbles in the process.

Add Fragrance

This step calls for careful attention to the vendor’s directions. They’ll guide you on the maximum amount of fragrance your wax can safely hold without posing a fire risk. If you’re aiming for a subtler scent, feel free to add less. Stir the fragrance in slowly and evenly for two minutes, aiming to eliminate any bubbles that may surface.

The Wax Pouring Process

Maintaining a steady hand is key as you carefully transfer the molten wax into your chosen vessel. Pour slowly to prevent any wax splashing up onto the sides. Then, it’s a waiting game as the wax begins to cool.

Adding That Extra Bling: Cooling and Embellishing

As your candles near the end of their setting phase, feel free to sprinkle in a little magic. Perhaps some clear quartz chips, yellow citrine, mini opal chips, amethyst or even rose quartz could add that special touch to your candle.

Find Your Crystals and Sparkle Here

Finalizing Your Creation: Trimming the Wick and Heat Gun Touch Ups”

When your candle is fully set, it’s time to trim your wick down to a neat ¼ inch (0.64 centimeters). To ensure any added enhancements are firmly set and to remove any splash marks from the sides of your vessel, gently apply a heat gun for a few seconds. Though many waxes offer a one-pour experience, paraffin may need a top-up to ensure a smooth surface. For a polished finish, secure the lid on your candle.

Find Your Heat Gun and Wick Trimmers Here

Congratulations! You’ve created your own candle. For an optimal burn, give your wax at least 72 hours to cure before lighting. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!